About the QSP category

(Replace this first paragraph with a brief description of your new category. This guidance will appear in the category selection area, so try to keep it below 200 characters.)

Use the following paragraphs for a longer description, or to establish category guidelines or rules:

  • Why should people use this category? What is it for?

  • How exactly is this different than the other categories we already have?

  • What should topics in this category generally contain?

  • Do we need this category? Can we merge with another category, or subcategory?

Hello Dr. Vijay,

I’m a pharmacist from a hospital in China, and using NONMEM is a big part of my research routine. I think PUMAS is one of the coolest tools I’ve seen because it brings GPU capabilities into play. I’d love to share this with my colleagues, and I’ve already started doing that!

For example, the Generation of Virtual Populations for Quantitative Systems Pharmacology is really interesting. This method lets us combine population structure with individual information in a smart way, which I find super intriguing.

There’s definitely more creative work we can explore. QSP, for instance, aims to get to the first principles, which is great for engineers and scientists who prefer a solid foundation rather than just statistics. But I think QSP might need a bit more knowledge about kinetics or some background info, which can be quite challenging.

That’s what I’ve got for now, and I’d love to hear any more thoughts you have! Thanks!

Thank you for your interest! Let us know how we can help in your professional journey.