Using LinearSolve or A\b in @pre?


I am using Pumas for Academia and I would like to do either

A = ... #some matrix composed of model parameters
b = ... #some vector composed of model parameters

x = A\b


A = ... #some matrix composed of model parameters
b = ... #some vector composed of model parameters

prob = LinearProblem(A, b)
x = solve(prob)

but both throw this stacktrace (quite long), which is I presume due to it trying to do both symbolically and some relevant operators not being defined. Is there a way to do this currently? Is there a way around the error?

Many thanks!

Upon some further research the error I am encountering seems to be resolved in Resolve Symbolics.Num - ForwardDiff.Dual ambiguities by asterycs · Pull Request #1036 · JuliaSymbolics/Symbolics.jl · GitHub but I assume it will take quite some time for that to trickle down to the academic Pumas version.