Unexpected Server Error


I am not sure why this is showing up. I am trying to spin up an instance but this is what shows up. Can you please help solve the problem?

Could you please check the log for the job in the “Job List” (see picture below) and let us know if there are any errors.

Attached is the screenshot of the log. I am not sure if there are any errors.


Same problem on my side. I have been trying to connect multiples time (first try of the day fivish hours ago) from my usual location but got this error.

Log of one of the last one tried:

  Activating project at `/opt/juliahub/projects/user`
Agent pid 92
Identity added: /home/jrun/data/.ssh/juliahub_ssh_key (jrun@jr-0deofvgwqp-zgkc6)
***** Please use the script in bin/code-server instead!
***** This script will soon be removed!
***** See the release notes at https://github.com/coder/code-server/releases/tag/v3.4.0
[2022-06-21T11:29:22.368Z] info  code-server 4.1.0 9e620e90f53fb91338a2ba1aaa2e556d42ae52d5
[2022-06-21T11:29:22.369Z] info  Using user-data-dir ~/data/.code-server
[2022-06-21T11:29:22.396Z] info  Using config file ~/.config/code-server/config.yaml
[2022-06-21T11:29:22.396Z] info  HTTP server listening on 
[2022-06-21T11:29:22.396Z] info    - Authentication is disabled 
[2022-06-21T11:29:22.397Z] info    - Not serving HTTPS 

This was temporary issue with JuliaHub which should now be resolved. Please try again.


Indeed, I can connect again. Thanks for the notice!

Thanks a lot…! Works fine again.