RATE and rate column in data

I am not sure if this is a bug but I encountered it nonetheless.
As I understand from tutorials, a RATE column needs to be added to the dataset when EVID=1, RATE=-2 for fitting a zero order model. When I named my RATE column uppercase during pre-processing (in R) and loaded into Pumas, I faced issues with estimation of tvdur (for a zero-order absorption model).

The same column with no other changes made when named “rate” lowercase and loaded, works fine and does not encounter errors for estimation of tvdur.

I faced the same issue with simultaneous zero and first order absorption, where my tvdur was not being estimated when the “RATE” column was uppercase.

Dear @PVDodeja - the read_pumas function automatically maps if the variable name is rate, but if the variable is named RATE, you need to explicitly map it as

read_pumas(df, rate = :RATE)

you can read the documentation here

help?> read_pumas
search: read_pumas

  read_pumas(filepath::String; missingstring = ["", ".", "NA"], kwargs...)

  Import NMTRAN-formatted data. You can either pass a CSV file path as a String or a DataFrame as the first and only positional argument.

    •  df: DataFrame contaning the data to be converted to a Vector{<:Subject}.

    •  observations: dependent variables specified by a vector of column names.

    •  covariates: covariates specified by a vector of column names.

    •  id: specifies the ID column of the DataFrame.

    •  time: specifies the time column of the DataFrame.

    •  evid: specifies the event ID column of the DataFrame. See ?Pumas.Event for more details.

    •  amt: specifies the dose amount column of the DataFrame. See ?Pumas.Event for more details.

    •  addl: specifies the column of the DataFrame that indicated the number of repeated dose events. If not specified then the value is zero.

    •  ii: specifies the dose interval column of the DataFrame. See ?Pumas.Event for more details.

    •  cmt: specifies the compartment column of the DataFrame. See ?Pumas.Event for more details.

    •  rate: specifies the infusion rate column of the DataFrame. See ?Pumas.Event for more details.

    •  ss: specifies the steady state column of the DataFrame. See ?Pumas.Event for more details.

    •  route: specifies the route of administration column of the DataFrame. See ?Pumas.Event for more details.

    •  mdv: specifies the the column of the DataFrame indicating if observations are missing.

    •  event_data: toggles assertions applicable to event data. More specifically, checks if the following columns are present in the DataFrame, either as the default
       values or as user-defined values: :id, :time, and :amt. If no :evid column is present, then a warning will be thrown, and :evid is set to 1 when :amt values are
       >0 or not missing, or :evid is set to 0 when :amt values are missing and observations are not missing. Otherwise, read_pumas will throw an error.

    •  covariates_direction: specifies direction of covariate interpolation. Either :left (Last Observation Carried Forward, LOCF) (default), or :right (Next
       Observation Carried Backward, NOCB). Notice, that for model with occasion variables it is important to use :left for the correct behavior of the interpolation.

    •  check: toggles NMTRAN compliance check of the input data. More specifically, checks if the following columns are present in the DataFrame, either as the default
       values or as user-defined values: :id, :time, :amt, :cmt, :evid, :addl, :ii, :ss, and :route. Additional checks are:
       • all variables in observations are numeric, i.e. Integer or AbstractFloat.
       • :amt column is numeric, i.e. Integer or AbstractFloat.
       • :cmt column is either a positive Integer, an AbstractString, or a Symbol.
       • :amt values must be missing or 0 when evid = 0; or >=0 otherwise.
       • all variables in observation are missing when evid = 1.
       • :ii column must be present if :ss is specified or present.
       • :ii values must be missing or 0 when evid = 0.
       • :ii column must be >0 if :addl values are >0, and vice-versa.
       • :addl column, if present, must be >=0 when evid = 1.
       • :evid values must be !=0 when :amt values are >0, or :addl and :ii values are >0.

    •  adjust_evid34: toggles adjustment of time vector for reset events (evid = 3 and evid = 4). If true (the default) then the time of the previous event is added to
       the time on record to ensure that the time vector is monotonically increasing.
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Thank you for your response Dr. Ivaturi.
Oops that makes sense! Sorry for the confusion