Error : (id,time) pair should be unique

Can some one please help me to understand this error

 pumdf = read_pumas(phen1, observations = [:DV], id = :ID, time = :TIME, amt = :AMT, rate = :RATE, cmt = :CMT)
┌ Warning: Your dataset has dose event but it hasn't an evid column. We are adding 1 for dosing rows and 0 for others in evid column. If this is not the case, please add your evid column.
└ @ Pumas C:\Users\julia\.julia\packages\Pumas\iIBBr\src\data_parsing\io.jl:975
ERROR: PumasDataError: [Subject: 45] (ID, TIME) pair should be unique, if your data has multiple observations in one column, please convert it to wide format.
 [1] check_pumas_data(::DataFrame, ::Array{Symbol,1}, ::Array{Symbol,1}, ::Symbol, ::Symbol, ::Symbol, ::Symbol, ::Symbol, ::Symbol, ::Symbol, ::Symbol, ::Symbol, ::Nothing, ::Bool) at C:\Users\julia\.julia\packages\Pumas\iIBBr\src\data_parsing\io.jl:1101
 [2] #read_pumas#64 at C:\Users\julia\.julia\packages\Pumas\iIBBr\src\data_parsing\io.jl:918 [inlined]
 [3] top-level scope at none:1
┌ Warning: Your dataset has dose event but it hasn't an evid column. We are adding 1 for dosing rows and 0 for others in evid column. If this is not the case, please add your evid column.
└ @ Pumas C:\Users\julia\.julia\packages\Pumas\iIBBr\src\data_parsing\io.jl:975

In Pumas NLME Data (PumasNDF), each id can have only unique time points. It seems that your subject 45 has two time points that are similar. It is likely the subject was two observation records that have the same time. This is not allowed in Pumas, so please check your data.

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Thank you, I had two dosing events at same time in same compartment.

I also have 2 DV’s at same time Thank you.