License Verification Error


I keep running into an issue with my license. I am a student and got my license code in July and followed the directions appropiately. However, I keep getting an error that my license was never verified. When I emailed pumas support, they sent me to a discourse thread that was not really helpful. Any video or detailed instructions for new users would be appreciated!

Dear @emt85 - welcome to the community. It seems from the message that you have a macbook, is that correct? Can you point me to the discourse thread that you were sent to? We will try to get this resolved asap.


Vijay, Yes I have a macbook. I was sent to this discourse. Thanks for the quick response!

Hi Emily,

Could you please share more information about the errors you saw when going through the steps in the linked post.


This is the message I get when entering anything into the terminal. I was given a license code that was to expire Jan 31, 2025, so maybe I am verifying it a wrong way?

Can you confirm that you have a file named /Users/emilythompson/.julia/PumasLicense.txt and that it contains the license key? (please make sure not to post the key here)

That may be the issue I can’t locate one in visual studio code or pumas applications on my mac. Could you give details on how to file that? Thank you!

Let me share two ways to create such a file

  1. In VS Code, paste your license key in a new file. When you hit command+s to save the file and see the window where you can specify a location for the new file, hit command+shift+g. That will allow you to type /Users/emilythompson/.julia/ and hit enter. That will bring you to the hidden .julia folder where you can now save the file under the PumasLicense.txt name.
  2. Start and type echo YOUR_LICENSE_KEY > /Users/emilythompson/.julia/PumasLicense.txt and hit enter. YOUR_LICENSE_KEY should be replaced with your license key.

Please try one of these two approaches and let us hear if it resolves your issue here.

Sorry for the delayed response. I followed both of these processes a few times and still received the same error message. Is it something I am doing wrong on my end?

I installed the new version of Pumas. After installation, I typed the license key and pressed enter. It showed updation ongoing and then the following is mentioned in the problem tab.

“extra tokens after end of expression”

I have copied only the license number and saved it in .txt file C:\Users\admin.julia\PumasLicense.txt. I deleted the previous .txt file.

Not sure what I am doing wrong. Please guide.


Hi Celestine,

Please follow the instructions in PumasAI
