I keep running into an issue with my license. I am a student and got my license code in July and followed the directions appropiately. However, I keep getting an error that my license was never verified. When I emailed pumas support, they sent me to a discourse thread that was not really helpful. Any video or detailed instructions for new users would be appreciated!
Dear @emt85 - welcome to the community. It seems from the message that you have a macbook, is that correct? Can you point me to the discourse thread that you were sent to? We will try to get this resolved asap.
This is the message I get when entering anything into the terminal. I was given a license code that was to expire Jan 31, 2025, so maybe I am verifying it a wrong way?
Can you confirm that you have a file named /Users/emilythompson/.julia/PumasLicense.txt and that it contains the license key? (please make sure not to post the key here)
In VS Code, paste your license key in a new file. When you hit command+s to save the file and see the window where you can specify a location for the new file, hit command+shift+g. That will allow you to type /Users/emilythompson/.julia/ and hit enter. That will bring you to the hidden .julia folder where you can now save the file under the PumasLicense.txt name.
Start Terminal.app and type echo YOUR_LICENSE_KEY > /Users/emilythompson/.julia/PumasLicense.txt and hit enter. YOUR_LICENSE_KEY should be replaced with your license key.
Please try one of these two approaches and let us hear if it resolves your issue here.
Sorry for the delayed response. I followed both of these processes a few times and still received the same error message. Is it something I am doing wrong on my end?
I installed the new version of Pumas. After installation, I typed the license key and pressed enter. It showed updation ongoing and then the following is mentioned in the problem tab.
“extra tokens after end of expression”
I have copied only the license number and saved it in .txt file C:\Users\admin.julia\PumasLicense.txt. I deleted the previous .txt file.