I would like to simulate a population, by only changing the parameters of the model not a covariate like Wt, but every parameter-
When I do
pop = Population(map(i -> Subject(id=i,evs=regimen),1:10))
obs = simobs(model,pop,param)#,obstimes=0:0.1:120)
and I plot or look at the solution I get overlying plot for the 10 “patients”
I thought the random effects (η ) in the definition of my model
model = @model begin
@param begin
θ ∈ VectorDomain(14)
# Ω ∈ PSDDomain(13)
# σ_prop ∈ RealDomain(init=0.1)
@random begin
η ~ MvNormal(Matrix{Float64}(I, 13, 13))
# η ~ MvNormal(Ω)
@pre begin
CL_adc = θ[1]
CLD_adc = θ[2]*exp(η[1])
V1_adc = θ[3]*exp(η[2])
V2_adc = θ[4]*exp(η[3])
Vmax = θ[5]*exp(η[4])
Km = θ[6]*exp(η[5])
TVmax = θ[7]*exp(η[6])
tau = θ[8]*exp(η[7])
Kgex = θ[9]*exp(η[8])
Kglin = θ[10]*exp(η[9])
psi = θ[11]*exp(η[10])
KKillmax = θ[12]*exp(η[11])
KC50 = θ[13]*exp(η[12])
hill = θ[14]*exp(η[13])
will provide diversity for the parameters used for each subject in the population am I understanding this wrong?
All i get is the same solution 10 times.