Hi, when calculating AUC in a time interval, I am getting a message that the slope cannot be calculated and the AUC output is missing. I wanted to ask if this behavior is expected where there is no need to calculate the terminal slope. Please note that the LLQ is 0.04 units and I want to set the BLQ to 0 when calculating NCA parameters.
a = DataFrame(
id = "1",
amt = vcat(10., fill(0, 10)),
evid = vcat(1, fill(0, 10)), route = "ev",
time = [0., 3.0, 5.0, 7.0, 10.,14.,17.,21.,23.,25.,28.],
dv = [missing, 5.0, 3.0, 0.07, 0.09, 0.048, 0.06, 0.08, 0.083, 0.027, 0.022]
a_ncaobj = read_nca(a, observations = Symbol("dv"), concblq = 0, llq = 0.04)
NCA.auc(a_ncaobj; interval = (7,28), auctype=:last)
[ Info: ID 1 errored: the estimated slope is not negative, got 0.06330922513744856
1×2 DataFrame
Row │ id auc7_28
│ String Missing
1 │ 1 missing