Hi all, does Pumas have mixture model functionality? I’m haven’t found anything in the documentation with regards to it. Thanks!
Welcome to the community @ashwin. The current release does not include Mixture Model handling, but this is planned and will be in an upcoming release.
Hi all. I also need mixture model functionality. Is it available now?
Dear Masato Fukae,
Unfortunately, it is not yet available.
Hi Pumas community,
I am still trying to make a mixture of sub-populations somehow. I expected Categorical
in the @random
block to work, but it did not. Is there some workaround? It would be great if anyone gives me an idea.
Let me post a code fragment to be more specific.
@random begin
ηkd ~ Normal(0, sqrt(Ωkd))
ηbase ~ MvNormal(Ωbase)
# subpop ~ Categorical(p1, p2, p3, p4)
subpop ~ Categorical(p1, p2)
I don’t think Categorical
is supported. The list of supported distributions are at Defining NLME models in Pumas · Pumas.
Thank you for your quick response. I was trying it because I found it here PumasModel-Error models · Pumas. But maybe available distributions are different between @random
and @derived
. And only continuous ones are ready in @random
so far. Is my understanding correct? If so, do you have some ideas about how to generate discrete- or bi-modal-like distributions using currently available ones?