How translate the individual model equation obtained in Monolix into Pumas

Would anyone help me translate the individual model equation obtained in Monolix into Pumas language? FC is my categorical covariable and the dose was given by iv.

[individual model – Model monolix]
log(Cl) = log(Cl_pop) + beta_Cl_FC_2*[FC = 2] + eta_Cl
log(V1) = log(V1_pop) + beta_V1_FC_2*[FC = 2] + eta_V1
log(Q) = log(Q_pop) + beta_Q_FC_2*[FC = 2] + eta_Q
log(V2) = log(V2_pop)

I tried to do this using the IF/ELSE command, based on pumas documentation, but some Gofs didn’t look good. In this case dFC2dcl sounds like beta values in monolix, right?

[Pumas model, 2 cmt model]

mdl_2cmp_prop = @ model begin
        @ param begin
            # model parameters
            tvcl ∈ RealDomain(lower = 0.001)
            tvv  ∈ RealDomain(lower = 0.001)
            tvvp ∈ RealDomain(lower = 0.001)
            tvq  ∈ RealDomain(lower = 0.001)
            Ω    ∈ PDiagDomain(3)
            σ ∈ RealDomain(lower = 0.001)   
            dFC1dcl ∈ RealDomain(lower = 0.001) # FC effect on parameter
            dFC2dcl ∈ RealDomain(lower = 0.001)
            dFC1dv  ∈ RealDomain(lower = 0.001)
            dFC2dv  ∈ RealDomain(lower = 0.001)
            dFC1dq  ∈ RealDomain(lower = 0.001)
            dFC2dq  ∈ RealDomain(lower = 0.001)

      @ pre begin
            CL = if FC == 1
                tvcl * exp(η[1]) * dFC1dcl 
            elseif FC == 2
                tvcl * exp(η[1]) * dFC2dcl 
            Vc = if FC == 1
                tvv * exp(η[2]) * dFC1dv 
            elseif FC == 2
                tvv * exp(η[2]) * dFC2dv 
            Q = if FC == 1
                tvq * exp(η[3]) * dFC1dq 
            elseif FC == 2
               tvq * exp(η[3]) * dFC2dq  
            Vp = tvvp


I appreciate it!

Dear @anafunguetto - welcome to the Pumas community. Glad to help you.

While your approach should work, you could start with a one to one translation of your monolix code and use something like this below.

@param begin
    beta_Cl_FC_2 in RealDomain()
    beta_V1_FC_2 in RealDomain()
    beta_Q_FC_2 in RealDomain()
@pre begin
    Cl = Cl_pop * beta_Cl_FC_2*(FC == 2) * exp(eta_Cl)
    V1 = V1_pop * beta_V1_FC_2*(FC == 2) * exp(eta_V1)
    Q = Q_pop   * beta_Q_FC_2*(FC == 2) * exp(eta_Q)
    V2 = V2_pop

This means that Cl_pop is the population value of clearance for FC==1, V1_pop is the population value of volume for FC==1 etc. Correspondingly beta_Cl_FC_2 is the multiplicative difference in population clearance between FC==1 and FC==2

Let me know if that is clear.

Thank you for your time! I did it, but now I have this error message in maximum LL estimation:

"ERROR: DomainError with Inf:
The initial parameter values cause a negative log likelihood of Inf. This can be due to model mis-specification or bad initial parameter values.


  1. _optim_check_initial_values(costf::Pumas.var"#621#625"{PumasModel{(tvcl = 1, tvv = 1, tvvp = 1, tvq = 1, Ω = 3, σ = 1, beta_Cl_FC_2 = 1, beta_V1_FC_2 = 1, beta_Q_FC_2 = 1), 3, (:Central, :Peripheral), (Symbol("##A##"), Symbol("##b##")), ParamSet{NamedTuple{(:tvcl, :tvv, :tvvp, :tvq, :Ω, :σ, :beta_Cl_FC_2, :beta_V1_FC_2, :beta_Q_FC_2), Tuple{RealDomain{Float64, TransformVariables.Infinity{true}, Float64}, RealDomain{Float64, TransformVariables.Infinity{true}, Float64}, RealDomain{Float64, TransformVariables.Infinity{true}, Float64}, RealDomain{Float64, TransformVariables.Infinity{true}, Float64}, PDiagDomain{PDMats.PDiagMat{Float64, Vector{Float64}}}, RealDomain{Float64, TransformVariables.Infinity{true}, Float64}, RealDomain{Int64, TransformVariables.Infinity{true}, Int64}, RealDomain{Int64, TransformVariables.Infinity{true}, Int64}, RealDomain{Int64, TransformVariables.Infinity{true}, Int64}}}}, var"#81#88", Pumas.TimeDispatcher{var"#82#89", var"#83#90"}, Nothing, var"#85#92", Pumas.LinearODE, var"#86#93", var"#87#94", ModelingToolkit.ODESystem, Pumas.PumasModelOptions}, Vector{Subject{NamedTuple{(:DV,), Tuple{Vector{Union{Missing, Float64}}}}, Pumas.ConstantCovar{NamedTuple{(:FC,), Tuple{Int64}}}, Vector{Pumas.Event{Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64, Int64}}, Vector{Float64}}}, FOCE{Optim.NewtonTrustRegion{Float64}, Optim.Options{Float64, Nothing}}, EnsembleThreads, NamedTuple{(), Tuple{}}, TransformVariables.TransformTuple{NamedTuple{(:tvcl, :tvv, :tvvp, :tvq, :Ω, :σ, :beta_Cl_FC_2, :beta_V1_FC_2, :beta_Q_FC_2), Tuple{TransformVariables.ShiftedExp{true, Float64}, TransformVariables.ShiftedExp{true, Float64}, TransformVariables.ShiftedExp{true, Float64}, TransformVariables.ShiftedExp{true, Float64}, Pumas.PDiagTransform, Vararg{TransformVariables.ShiftedExp{true, Float64}, 4}}}}, Vector{Vector{Float64}}, Vector{Vector{Float64}}, Vector{Float64}}, vparam::Vector{Float64}, verbose::Bool) at likelihoods.jl"

I guess It is because of my initial values, so a changed but it didn’t work.
I’m working on this code now:

mdl_2cmp_prop = @ model begin
@ param begin
# Parâmetros do modelo
tvcl ∈ RealDomain(lower = 0.001)
tvv ∈ RealDomain(lower = 0.001)
tvvp ∈ RealDomain(lower = 0.001)
tvq ∈ RealDomain(lower = 0.001)
Ω ∈ PDiagDomain(3)
σ ∈ RealDomain(lower = 0.001)
beta_Cl_FC_2 in RealDomain(lower = -100)
beta_V1_FC_2 in RealDomain(lower = -100)
beta_Q_FC_2 in RealDomain(lower = -100)

@ random begin
η ~ MvNormal(Ω)

    @ covariates FC

    @ pre begin
        CL = tvcl * beta_Cl_FC_2*(FC == 2) * exp(η[1])
        Vc = tvv * beta_V1_FC_2*(FC == 2) * exp(η[2])
        Q = tvq   * beta_Q_FC_2*(FC == 2) * exp(η[3])
        Vp = tvvp


    @ dynamics begin
        Central'    = -(CL+Q)/Vc*Central + Q/Vp*Peripheral
        Peripheral' = Q/Vc*Central - Q/Vp*Peripheral


    @ derived begin
        cp := @. Central / Vc
        DV ~ @. Normal(cp, cp * σ)

#initial estimates values
params_2cmp_prop = (
tvcl = 7119.54,
tvv = 1795.2,
tvq = 3471.5,
Ω = Diagonal([0.1, 0.1, 0.1]),
tvvp =7124.9,
σ = 0.1,
beta_Cl_FC_2 = 1,
beta_V1_FC_2 = 1,
beta_Q_FC_2 = 1,

maximum likelihood estimation

pkfit_2cmp_prop= fit(mdl_2cmp_prop, pop1, params_2cmp_prop, Pumas.FOCE())

thank you!

Can you try it with this instead?

    Cl = Cl_pop * exp(beta_Cl_FC_2*(FC == 2)) * exp(eta_Cl)
    V1 = V1_pop * exp(beta_V1_FC_2*(FC == 2)) * exp(eta_V1)
    Q = Q_pop   * exp(beta_Q_FC_2*(FC == 2)) * exp(eta_Q)