Hi … i have a basic doubt here, seeking some clarification.
I learned to use combined error in NONMEM in perticular way, which is
F(1+EPS1) + EPS2
I am trying to understand how pumas translate this
Pumas additive error :
Normal(μ, σ)
which i understand as : F + EPS_add
Pumas proportinal error
Normal(μ, μ*σ)
which i understand as : F * EPS_prop
I tried to write combined error from these two informations , which will be equvivalnet to : F(1+EPS1) + EPS2
my understanding of code is
Normal(μ, (σ_add + sqrt((μ*σ_prop)^2)))
Normal(μ, (sqrt(σ_add^2) + sqrt((μ*σ_prop)^2)))
or if i want variance for aditive eror
Normal(μ, ((σ_add^2) + sqrt((μ*σ_prop)^2)))
but it is given as
Normal(μ, sqrt(σ_add^2 + (μ*σ_prop)^2))
Can someone help me to understand this